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Language: english

* Standard profile

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Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1999


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Firm Rank: 0

Boligispanien Real Estate has helped over 1,000 customers since 1999 with the purchase and sale of property in Spain . Through systematic work and thorough training , we ensure that our employees have a solid basis to advise our customers on the purchase and sale of housing . call at +34 965 329 086 for more details.

Address data

Street:C/Torre del Oro 8, local 16 Centro Comercial La Campana
City:Orihuela Costa
Postal code:03189
Phone: +34 34 965329086


Contact person

Name and Surname: Boligi Spanien
Phone: +34 34 965329086
Mobile: +34 965329086
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